I opened this series exploring the reality of the exploitation of
Africa, African people, and the African diaspora as central to myth
of modernity. I’m an American, and at this point it’s impossible
to miss that this country as it stands was built by enslaved and
exploited bodies.
But another part of being an American is
that we have to acknowledge that this country was also built on the
exploitation of indigenous people—Native Nations—that had been in
the “Americas” for eons, and on Native land.
(Hope everyone takes a deep breath, because I am going to stumble over terminology a lot. I hate using “the Americas”, but Turtle Island seems kind of regionally specific. And while I’m going to avoid “Indian” because we’re all about accuracy here, I struggled to figure out when “indigenous” worked better than “Native”. I understand why the latter is generally preferred, but there is also a history of Euro-Americans using “native” to describe *themselves*, hence the word “nativist”. Yeah...thank you for your patience with me.)
One of our comfortable national mythologies is that we improved on what we found. This is the story all colonizers tell themselves, and it’s not true. As we fall into continuing ecological degradation, we’re forced to acknowledge that there is deep wisdom in the cultures and practices of the people we committed genocide on.
Genocide. That is a
concept that we need to explore when we think about the people we
exploited to build our country. I can probably only speak for Gen X,
but the way genocide was presented to us, it was Hitler’s Final
Solution: it was the extermination of everyone from a marginalized
group. It did not succeed with the Jews of Europe, so it was always
an “attempt”, and the prevention of it was a victory of
enlightened civilization.
The truth about genocide is much
messier. You can successfully commit genocide without completely
destroying an entire group of people. One of the most devastating
statements I had to sit through as an adult was hearing someone at a
Shoah commemoration noting that there were so many communities that
were so thoroughly decimated in Europe that there was no one to
remember many of the victims. We light candles to remember those who
died that we are connected to, but more importantly we light candles
to commemorate those we never knew because no one else is left to do
That is a successful genocide.
Genocide isn’t simply the death of a community or a people. It is also the eradication of a culture. My father is a South Korean national, but he was born when the country was occupied by the Japanese. By the time he was born in 1943, my grandparents were not allowed to give him a Korean name. Japanese was being taught in schools, and the use of the Korean language was discouraged. This is why I look at Ukraine now and shudder as I see children kidnapped and forced to speak Russian; moreover, they are told that they are not Ukrainian but are now, in fact, Russian. When Vladimir Putin and his lieutenants say that Ukraine and its culture do not exist, that is laying the groundwork for genocide.
Putin and the Russian leadership are no less monstrous if they are ultimately unsuccessful. And the same can be said about my country.
I have seen the term “erasure” used repeatedly when I read about indigenous history in the United States, and this is another facet of genocide. The indigenous people of this country from their hundreds of nations are not gone. Many were killed, many polities consolidated, and there have been acts of horrific violence committed against them, but they continue to exist not just as a people but as many different peoples, with different cultures, histories, and customs. Talking about Indigenous Americans as if they met a tragic demise is to deny their continued existence. They are still here, and they’re not giving up.
I can’t tell you the title of the first book I read about Indigenous American history, but it was in 1994, and it was a title I found, of course, in the Boston Public Library. It was the first time I had realized that we shouldn’t use the word “tribe” but “nation” to describe the polities of the First Peoples of the “Americas”, and it drove home for me how mistaken it was to lump together these diverse people as simply “native”. (Which, maybe, was an overdue realization: the family lore is that my great-grandmother’s great-grandmother was indigenous, and we are very specific that, if so, she was from the Creek Nation.) But I had a very young child at the time, and I was about to begin a career, so it wasn’t until much later that I could read more.
I also can’t tell you what drew me to Charles Mann’s 1491 and 1493 other than that they were talked about in circles I paid attention to, but I remember sitting in the Prudential Center food court (back when they had one) on a Saturday night after the library had closed, devouring chapters of both books. Mann opened up literally a whole new world of history, and in doing so exploded many of our comfortable mythologies about the “pre-Columbian” world.
one that sticks out the most is the fairy tale that the indigenous
peoples somehow lucked—stumbled—into an agricultural and
horticultural paradise. They were people alternatively more peaceful
or more violent than the European settlers who later arrived, but
they were always simpler—you
know, because they hadn’t had the benefit of Christianity or the
Enlightenment, or they were genetically inferior, take your pick—and
the only way they could survive for as long as they did was because
they were in such a “blessed” land. That played into the
narrative of the tragic, lost peoples, and because it played to our
pathos, that in and of itself made most of us feel better.
of course, it wasn’t true. If the Amazon looks like a permaculture
paradise in which you can be both nourished as well as cured of many
ailments, it is because it was *designed* that way. Don’t look at
it only as an example of a rain forest, look at it also as one of the
largest and most well-managed orchards in history.
Like Africa, the Americas were a net contributor to the world’s resources. Mann points out that Thomas Malthus’ theory about population and resources in Europe really *was* accurate: a small population could grow only so much before there was too much competition for resources, which would lead to war, disease, famine, or all of the above. There was a natural ceiling to population because there was a limit to resources.
The crops of the Americas solved the Malthusian problem. Corn (maize), potatoes, and sweet potatoes, among others, made possible levels of nutrition for the European and Asian populations that had been unattainable before. He tells the story of a prisoner who had been incarcerated for over a year and had been fed nothing but a soup made with potatoes. Shockingly, this prisoner emerged healthier than he had been before.
and corn in all of their diversity were not accidents of nature but
the results of continuous experiments with breeding and cultivation
methods. Corn, in particular, is not found “in the wild” at all;
it’s closest relatives are a group of plant species known as
teosintes (and no, I don’t think they are a genus on their own). To
look at the plant, which resembles cattails as much as anything else,
it’s very difficult to imagine that it could yield something
nutritious and filling, but, after centuries of careful cultivation,
here we are.
(This is to say nothing of the other foods
of the Americas—vanilla, chocolate, tomatoes, peppers,
squashes—that make the modern cuisines of so many cultures
delicious. But we’ll delve into that when we get to Indian
Givers and In
The Shadow of Slavery.)
I’ve read enough history to know that it’s a mistake to paint all indigenous peoples, even in North America, with the broad brush of environmental conservationism. Cahokia, discussed in many of these titles, was an example of a centralized civilization that went big and practiced agriculture with a capital A. (I have no clue what those mounds were for, but then again I can’t tell you exactly what Stonehenge is for, either.) As was the case all over the world, they thrived during the Medieval Warming Period and then declined during the Little Ice Age. Unlike European polities, the lessons many in the Americas learned was to decentralize, both as a political organizing principle, and as a strategy for sustenance.
Among other things, Cahokia demonstrates that the Native Nations of the Americas were—are—as susceptible to abusing their resources as anyone else, and the fact that many nations instead adapted to their environments and practiced sophisticated land management techniques should drive home not that they were some deity’s chosen people but really good students of history. Both Kathleen DuVal’s Native Nations and Colin Calloway’s New Worlds For All pointed out ways these nations dramatically changed their environments in order to accommodate new trade relationships. Importantly, this was while they held the numerical advantage and the significant agency that came with it.
It has occurred to me that many of the First Nations of North America learned the lesson of living in balance with their environments even earlier than Cahokia, particularly after reading Alfred Crosby’s Ecological Imperialism. If this classic has not aged perfectly, it has still aged well, and I would recommend it to anyone who considers themselves a student of history. It was from this book that I learned how European sailors figured out how to use the winds in the circles of latitude to navigate further and further west, using the Fortunate Isles (The Canaries, Madeiras, and Azores) as their first destinations. While Crosby explains the saga of European navigational developments in detail, he also takes pains to note that the Chinese made the earliest global voyages, and both China and the Islamic world contributed the naval technology that made later European voyages possible. Europe got out ahead of others because of political choices, not because of innate cultural resilience or aptitude.
The bulk of Crosby’s book is about the ways in which the flora and fauna of Eurasia were the foot soldiers of European settler colonialism, and this is one of the primary reason that “Neo-European” colonies have been successful in certain places and not others. My eyes popped as I read his accounts of wild horses, cattle (!), and pigs in the colonies, particularly North America. (Fun fact: it takes one generation for a domesticated pig to revert to form as a “razorback” hog. As much as I am a vegan, I would definitely think twice about setting pigs free into the wild.) But it cannot be overlooked that part of why those animals were so successful in the Americas is because the plants they fed on were even more successful. Some of those plants were intentionally carried, some were “opportunistic” travelers on the voyages, and some were on the animals themselves. Regardless, Eurasian flora took so well and quickly to the soil of North and South America that they preceded European colonists and animals into areas, sometimes by several years.
Crosby’s argument about why the Americas as well as New Zealand were so much easier to colonize comes down to the relatively late introduction of human beings to those areas. While human beings had been present for millennia—Patty Krawec’s Becoming Kin cites indigenous oral histories that give credible evidence of possibly one-hundred thousand years—as evolution goes, even an eon is a relatively short period of time. Human beings who traveled away from the land mass groupings of Eurasia and Africa were going to encounter other creatures they had not evolved with. Importantly, those creatures, particularly the megafauna, hadn’t evolved with *them*, and thus lacked the defensive instincts when they encountered Homo sapiens. Thus, by the time Europeans arrived, those megafauna were gone, and the balance of the ecosystems indigenous people lived within was inherently more delicate. Might that be another reason indigenous Americans were such impressive land managers?
Maybe. But maybe that’s also part of the trend toward romanticizing what’s presented to be a tragic story with an inevitable end.
As with Jared Diamond after him, Crosby’s primary concern is about the role of disease in shaping the fate of the continents. Of course the First Peoples were destined to lose, because their very immune systems were so...naive (I did not come up with that terminology). And it’s true, there were a shocking number of people who died in the Americas from European diseases. But it is also true that there were many who didn’t, and simply being introduced to a disease wasn’t in and of itself a death sentence.
Norman Naimark’s Genocide: A World History was the first book I read to affirmatively call BS on the narrative that indigenous people died primarily of diseases and not brutality. Yes, exposure to novel diseases wasn’t something that induced health, but far more important were the conditions that people lived in when they were exposed. Those who have inadequate shelter, food, and clothing while they are forced to perform heavy labor for long hours are, not surprisingly, more vulnerable to diseases—novel or not—than those who have better living conditions (and this is to say nothing of having access to medical care). Both Native Nations and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States note that many nations lived through their initial encounters with Europeans who were disease carriers, and hundreds lived through voyages to Europe, a place that would be teeming with novel pathogens. Native Nations points out that the numbers of fatalities didn’t begin to spike until European colonists settled and raised families (as anyone who has ever been a parent knows, young children are not only specially susceptible to disease, they can also be hazardous vectors of those illnesses). Regardless, the initial European estimates of indigenous populations were frequently unscientific at best, and using those as a baseline to establish population losses isn’t going to give a clear picture of how many people actually succumbed.
I would also point out here that populations by and large survive even plagues. The Black Death might have killed as many as fifty percent of Europe’s population in the fourteenth century. That had long-lasting repercussions, and it’s something we should work very hard to avoid, but it shouldn’t be overlooked that fifty percent of the population survived. We need to believe that indigenous Americans were extra-special vulnerable—”naive”—for it to be possible that disease *alone* killed, by some estimates, ninety percent of the population.
Dunbar-Ortiz isn’t having any of that for a second. While there were other scholars of indigenous American history before her, she is the one that, in my opinion, has focused attention on justice more than other popular authors (or should that be “popular”, since we are talking about historians?). The title of her book made my eyes widen as I imagined it would explore the history of Native Americans during colonization. While it’s still a book worth reading, that wasn’t exactly right. It is still a history of the United States, but from the point of view of the Native Nations. (The fact that the book is under 250 pages should maybe have been a give away.) Dunbar-Ortiz is powerful but blunt: she will lay out horrific history, but you never get the impression that she’s wiping any tears, or that she would have much patience for yours. And for what it’s worth, I didn’t cry while reading this, but I was filled with outrage going over the numerous times European and then American governments made bad faith agreements with their native counterparts as part of a slow-rolling campaign of genocide. (And I will never hear the term “red skins” again without wanting to vomit.)
Dunbar-Ortiz makes it clear that the history of exploitation of Indigenous American lands and erasure of Indigenous American human beings was—is—part of a toxic class-based system that reaches back to pre-colonizing Europe. As Sabrina Strings outlined in Fearing the Black Body, it is a system so racist it excluded the Irish (and when we get to Erika Lee’s America for Americans, we’ll get the chance to see what the venerable Ben Franklin had to say about Germans). Dunbar-Ortiz explores how the newly arrived Scots-Irish were used as the foot soldiers in the long running war against the Native Americans. Whatever benefits they and other waves of arrivals realized for their efforts—and those benefits almost always included stolen Native land—they were ultimately acting in the service of a larger nexus of power which they had no hope of breaking into for generations.
Native Nations was the book I had thought Dunbar-Ortiz’s was going to be, though maybe it’s fairer to say that it was one-percent of the book I had envisioned, since DuVal explores about a dozen Native Nations, and there are many more. While she doesn’t reach as far back as Mann or Crosby in tracing the origins of indigenous arrival in North America, she does trace their history back millennia. While DuVal is primarily concerned with residents of what is now the United States, she does note the similarities between the legendary Cahokia and the empires of Mesoamerica (though, to pick up on her point about “lessons learned”, I’ll note here that the Aztec empire Cortes encountered wasn’t even a century old, and given their infamous brutality, one wonders how long they would have lasted even without European interference).
DuVal moves forward in time, but around the continent. Because I’ve lived in Massachusetts most of my life, I note that she doesn’t spend time on “New England”, in large part because this area was such an outlier (Boston exceptionalism, for the win). This was one of the few places where Europeans had the numbers to overwhelm the indigenous inhabitants early on, and thus were less dependent on their social and economic goodwill. This was not the case in the rest of the country, where Native Nations had the power and the agency that came with it. This was *not* something that they were unaware of, either. If they might not have been at all times privy to the genuinely genocidal policies of European governments, they did get glimpses of maps that showed the vast holdings claimed by those kingdoms. To read DuVal’s account, it’s hard to imagine that they’re not snickering.
Native Nations’ central thesis is that it is not until almost the middle of the nineteenth century that the European-American population has the ability to make good on its ambitions to control the continent, and it was Native Nations who were in control of the relationships up until that time. To that end, European and later American powers had to make themselves useful to their indigenous hosts. DuVal relentlessly emphasizes that the nations of the Americas were deeply sophisticated, not only in their management of their natural resources, but in trade. While many made the decision after Cahokia to live in decentralized polities, they did not choose to live in isolation from others, and they saw trade not only as the exchange of goods, but as the establishment of a bond with another party. This goes some way toward explaining why many have gone down in American history as generous to people they might have been better to be wary of, but for the most part, it was a strategy that not only created a strong network among the nations, but also set the terms for what was a successful collaboration strategy with Europeans for two centuries.
This is not to imply that trade always smoothed over political differences to the point that all lived in peace. The very mention of the word “Mohawk” drove fear into European imaginations, and while many of the stories about them were exaggerated, they earned their reputation as fearsome and efficient warriors, particularly against the Huron and other nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. But it is overlooked how powerful they were as traders, or how long they had been trading with Europeans.
I was shocked to read that the Mohawks had traded goods with the Norse as far back as possibly the tenth century. While the Norse settlements famously didn’t endure in North America, trade relationships did, and the Mohawk were using glass beads and iron and brass from Europe, both via trade networks and from the residue of shipwrecks. While most did not have contact with Europeans but rather went through intermediaries, the Mohawk were beginning to integrate into the global trade networks even before “conquest”.
In that light, it should not be surprising that the Mohawk were an early ally of the Dutch. While it’s impressive that they traded with Europe before Columbus’ arrival, it’s even more so that Dutch industry was tailoring products just for them, whether that was kettles with Mohawk markings, lighter guns, or wool blankets of different colors. By the seventeenth century, the majority of Mohawk towns used iron nails, imported wood, iron hinges, and linen shirts. By the end of that century, all Haudenosaunee warriors had a musket if not a pistol.
The Dutch are not known for their kind treatment of anyone who was subservient to them in their colonial systems, and we might almost be able to judge the lack of exploitation during this period as evidence of the dynamics of their relationship with the Mohawk. Fortunately, we can settle on firmer stuff by looking at the prices the Mohawk commanded. While willing to trade hides and pelts, they set a high enough price that the only way for the Dutch to profit from it was through the sale of the metal weapons mentioned above. Similar stories are to be found in, of all things, baked goods: the economics of the sale of cakes and breads in the towns the Dutch established evolved to the point that the only people who could afford to buy the fine cakes and breads made with refined flour were the Mohawk; the Dutch, it seems, had to settle for whole-grain loaves.
The above demonstrates the extent to which the Mohawk were in control of the trade with the Dutch, and it’s fair to say that they had a good idea of the costs of that trade. To wit, the capture of beavers for the pelts the Dutch wanted had an environmental cost that Calloway alludes to in New Worlds for All (and not just for the Mohawk—recall that the continent already had well-established trade networks). Sharply reducing the beaver population had an effect on the physical environment, in some cases changing the course of rivers. I bring this up because it’s yet another counterpoint to the narrative that Native Nations are mystically in tune with the needs of the land and would never compromise environmental integrity. Indigenous people made these choices, and not because they were somehow corrupted by European coins—or guns. They were sophisticated actors exercising their agency, and for a long time they got the better end of the bargain.
I promise, DuVal wrote about many more people than the Mohawk, but there’s one more important facet to their relationship with the Dutch. The Mohawk and Dutch lived in close quarters, and both communities had men and women. Close company eventually resulted in mixed heritage offspring. (As was the case in many similar cases, children were presumed to have their mother’s cultural identity.) None of this is surprising, except that it’s part of the nuance of the early relationships between Europeans and Native Nations that is glossed over.
DuVal’s point throughout the book is that while Europeans and then Americans did harbor, indeed, genocidal, colonial intentions, they couldn’t act on them until the influx of European immigrants gave them the numbers they needed by the middle of the nineteenth century. As she says, it’s difficult to call many of the relationships “colonial” since the European powers were doing a relatively lousy job of “extraction”. For a long time, what happened in the continent would be better classified as “trade”. I think this is an important distinction, not to be an apologist for the later brutal actions that followed, but as a reminder that organized Native resistance wasn’t invented in the twentieth century. For all of the propaganda, Native Nations were never as naive or innocent as they were said to be.
None of this is to say that Native Americans haven’t been harmed by interactions with European and American settler-colonialism, because once we had the numbers, we used them. We have encroached on land from the beginning, and we have broken treaty after treaty. Becoming Kin and Kyle Mays’ An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States explore some of that damage and what, possibly, is needed to begin addressing it.
Perhaps it’s because I’m married to an attorney, but out of all that I’ve read of Native history, the 2005 City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation of New York SCOTUS decision authored by Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the most galling. (Another person you’re advised not to invoke as a moral authority to me.) That someone in the twentieth century would invoke the Doctrine of Discovery is outrageous, and maybe it should have been a clue as to the limitations of RBG’s advocacy. That the Pope eventually got out in front of this before the United States’ judiciary did is an embarrassment.
Becoming Kin cites this case in a calm, measured, powerful way as part of the evidence of Krawec’s argument that settler-colonialism has been lethal to Native bodies and culture as soon as it was able to be. The laws are illogical and in some cases just bad, but that’s irrelevant when the aim has been to lay claim to Native land. Krawec draws a distinction between the treatment of Native and Black Americans, the former of whom had to prove their ancestry to be considered Native by the state, regardless of their acceptance into a culture, and the latter of whom were presumed to be Black even if their last ancestor was a great-grandparent. Why? Because when you want Native land, you need to eradicate—erase—Native people, but when you want Black labor, you need to *create* Black people. But both strategies are to the same end: to increase the power of the settler-colonial state.
Denial of identity goes beyond not getting recognition from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. One of the most horrific things to read about is the legacy of residential schools in North America: children removed from their homes, family, and community at heartbreakingly young ages, being ordered to change their appearance to conform to the Euro-American standard, being forced to change their names, not being able to speak in their languages, and being told how deficient they were in every way. There are generations of people who were disconnected from their cultures as adults because of what they suffered as children. It shouldn’t be overlooked that their ordeals included watching their peers—their friends—be murdered, sometimes at ages that can only make you weep. The discoveries in 2020 and 2021 of suspected mass graves at former residential schools in Canada confirmed the horror stories “graduates” reported that too many were loath to credit. While residential schools have been closed, Native children are still twice as likely as white children to be placed in foster care, and that is the average for the United States. A Native child in South Dakota is *eleven* times more likely to be in foster care than a white child, and Native children are over half of the children in care (fifty-three percent, to be exact—which is just a little bit more than the national average for Canada).
Krawec’s book is a call for the Natives of the Americas to reconnect with their traditions as a way of healing the present and forging a stronger future, but it also offers a way for everyone, whether Native or not, to connect to each other. Indeed, much of the cultural toxicity she describes is not confined to Native communities, but affects everyone who might stand out from the European-Christian “ideal”. Laws and policies make it all too easy for authorities to disrupt families who organize themselves differently than the norm, and Krawec notes that vagrancy laws have always been a way to weaponize normal human behavior against the poor, who are more likely to do in public what people with greater means can do in the privacy of their homes. She highlights, in ways similar to Gikandi, Strings, and McCormack, that a civilization that sanctions inhumane treatment of one group has a rot at its core.
Krawec discusses yet another scourge on the Native community, and this one is indeed something they suffer disproportionately with: Missing, Exploited, and Murdered Native Women and Children. While it is generally true that if a woman is killed or assaulted it will be by someone in her ethnicity or community, that is not true for Native women. They are more likely to be in sexual relationships with white men, to be sexually exploited by white men, and to be murdered by white men. In general, they are an incredible six times more likely to be murdered than non-Native women. These are shocking statistics, and they should be inspiring all of us to protect Native women. Instead, they are largely unknown or, at least, unremarked upon.
An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States is messier than the other books because Mays is talking about the intersected histories of two groups in the United States that are generally seen to be in contest if not conflict with each other. And it’s true that there have been instances and periods of both, but there have also been significant periods of collaboration and solidarity. Civil rights luminaries such as Angela Davis, Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), and Martin Luther King, Jr. saw more common cause than not.
The conflicts are difficult to look at if we’re hoping to construct a clean narrative. While Mays, who is himself Black and Saginaw Chippewa, would agree, as I do, that Black people have a right to reparations, where it can get uncomfortable is when the demand includes land, all of which was stolen from Native Nations. On the flip side, Black people are more than entitled to their share of bitterness at certain nations—looking at you, Cherokee—for enslaving African captives.
There is the capacity of both parties to minimize the other, whether that’s Natives who use the n-word a little too freely, or the denial that it is actually Native people who are killed by the police more than anyone else (the hair-raising statistics just keep on coming). But Mays, perhaps more than any of the other authors, is future-focused, and he sees opportunities for continued collaboration. Agreed.
In this country, at least when I was growing up, we liked to tell ourselves a comfortable story about World War II, the Holocaust, fascism, and genocide. We, the United States, were the good guys, and we were so horrified by what happened in Europe because we couldn’t imagine doing such horrible things. The truth is that we did many of them first (read, for example, Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste for a discussion of how Nazi leaders drew on our race laws to come up with their own). If you had any doubts, any of these books will dispel them for you.
I started by taking about modernity as an illusion—delusion—of a strictly rational and just existence that wills into being material prosperity. It was dependent on enslaved Black labor, and that could not be negotiated. But the American version also literally resided in the land of Native Nations. The land, and the numerous resources it contains, is also an essential component...but Native peoples and their cultures were not. They were, in fact, an uncomfortable reminder of what the project of modernity really was. Hence, the drive to erase.
Kathleen DuVal cites the term coined by Ojibwe professor Gerald Vizenor to sum up what the actual history of Native Nations encompasses: survivance, a combination of survival and resistance. You live to fight another day, and what you’re fighting for isn’t merely physical survival, but also the preservation of your history. It is based on recognizing truth and facts, even when they make you squirm, but it is the only way to build a truly durable future.
Perhaps this is a good time for all of us to start paying attention.
Deb in the City