On The Blog

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Distractions (Day 17)

I got things done today. I guess you could call me productive: I checked off most of the boxes I made for myself today. And yet I did not experience as much satisfaction or "accomplishment" as you would think. Who knows why, but I think it's due to being constantly interrupted, and even distracted. 

Do I need to restructure my days? I thought I'd shaken off the Cult of Multi-Tasking, but now that I think of it, I actually look for opportunities to "be efficient". Yesterday, for example, I took a long walk to a cafe so I could read for all of thirty minutes (and since the music was loud, I didn't get as much read as I might have in the same amount of time).

This is different from the idea of "mental candy", an idea I'm taking from Andrea Chalupa of Gaslit Nation; it's the opposite of rewarding yourself for powering through, and I've found it more, er, effective. (Yeah, I know, but I suspect anyone who's ever tried to create something understands the perverse instinct to do anything but.)

Do I need to cut down on my work? But...I don't want to. Something's got to give, but not sure what. More later!

Deb in the City

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