On The Blog

Friday, December 9, 2022

Food shopping

It's 1) Friday and 2) December, so I can shop without guilt at Haymarket.
(The guilt would be from not shopping at a farmers market, but that season
ends in November.) This is also more than a little bit of a brag, since it
required more than a bit of walking when I don't feel well. But it was fun.

Also getting a thrill more and more from eschewing places like whole foods
- blech - and other big chains. Everything in one shop, blah blah blah, but
it's harder and harder to look at those places and not see exploitation.
Not going to pretend that no one is mistreated in Chinatown or the north
end, but they're not selling themselves to me as the only place where I can
eat my values.

Hard to see with the light (but I kind of like the effect), but this outing
included everything from soap and coffee to cheese and berries. This week
was a little light on vegetables because we're still working through last
week's haul...which might be taking longer than usual since my family
decided they needed to eat lots of baked goods this week. Related?

Hope everyone else enjoyed their food shopping this week as much as I did.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some bread dough to check on.

Deb in the City

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